Funny Scam Websites to Trick Your Friends

Online and Bogus Friend Scams

Dating and bogus friend scams- A play on your emotional triggers:

Internet is been the best source for everything, it might help you in studies, get you good job and sometimes even a prospective companion but it is not always good as it appears to be. There are some scammers, who are ready to take advantage on your emotional triggers and play love tricks, getting you victimized in dating and bogus friend scams, through the internet. These con artists will use the technological weapons such as dating sites, social networking sites and chat rooms to fool you and cash in on romance. These sham operators mainly target the persons, who are above 40, widow,

dating and bogus Scam

divorcee and disabled as it is easy for them to get trap these people since they long for console and love. With their alluring psychological tricks, dating and bogus friend scammers will go to any extreme to reach your wallet.

Emotional killers trick you thorough their false love:

These scammers approach you through online dating websites, sometimes they even use email or social media with fake profiles that always contain attractive pictures and personal information stolen from the legitimate persons. Within a short period of time, they will make good relationship with you by expressing strong emotions for you. They pretend as if they have undying love for you and often send you gifts, greeting cards, poetries to make you fall into their spell and get you victimized in bogus letter scams. Once they gain your trust, the romance scammers slowly show their original face by asking cash or credit card details or other personal information.

These criminals always claim money by telling some sentimental reasons that seem to be unavoidable to help. Most common cases are asking money for treating an ill family member, who should undergo an expensive surgery immediately or to send money for his/her higher studies. Some dating and bogus friend scams involve pulling cash for reconstructing the failed business that often don't exist. Scammers, who are claiming themselves working in overseas, ask the victims to send money for their flight tickets telling that they are eager to see them, however these fraudulent bogus friends will never accept the direct air tickets as their motive is to rip off money, not to visit you.

Identities of dating and bogus friend scams:

Scammers will get you reach in dating websites, once you start keeping contact with them, they will slowly move you away from the site and insist you to contact them only through personal chat or mail. They might claim themselves living in overseas and pursued graduation from prestigious American Institutions but their English will be poor and their text messages will contain a lot of spelling and grammatical errors. They show up inconsistency in their social media profile like changing pictures, address, and personal information often. They will avoid direct meetings and will be keen on maintaining the relationship in secret. If you meet with any of the above mentioned experience, then it is wise to keep distance from such people else you might likely get ditched with these cunning scammers.

Be mentally strong to fight against dating and bogus friend scams:

Con artists always target the persons, who are emotionally weak so prepare your mind in such a way to have a good handle on your emotions. Never let a third person to intervene on your decision making capabilities. If you find any companion on dating or social websites, ensure that you keep the relationship transparent to everyone. Giving money upfront to a strange person will always leave you in vein, making your body and heart peace less. Be cautious on accepting friend requests while using social networks and never accept the immediate proposals that come after a two or three days of chat. Apart from everything, personal awareness on dating and bogus scammer websites is the greatest barrier between you and the dating and bogus scams. So be aware and protect yourself from these unscrupulous scammers.

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